Schlissel Ostrow Karabatos, (SOK) is an innovative matrimonial and family law firm with a reputation for handling the most complicated financial, valuation, and property distribution matters, as well as the most complex custody and support issues.
SOK’s attorneys pioneered new law in the areas of settlement agreements and custody evaluations, and in securing the rights of non-monied spouses to effective legal counsel. While the firm has the depth and expertise to aggressively litigate the largest and most complex matters, SOK is also extraordinarily aware of the emotional component of family law; and because of that, the firm takes a more nuanced approach in order to deliver a superior result for the client in the long run.
The attorneys of SOK begin each case by evaluating the situation from a holistic perspective, taking into account the emotional components of the matter, the personalities of the clients, and the financial aspects of the case. And while the firm’s attorneys are experienced trial lawyers, they regularly address issues by using alternative resolution methods, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and collaborative law.
Given their expertise, it should come as no surprise that the firm’s lawyers are leaders in the matrimonial bar and have garnered significant recognition from their peers. SOK is one of the few firms in the country with four Fellows of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and a Diplomate of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers, which limits membership to 100 attorneys across the country.
Partners Elena Karabatos, Jennifer Rosenkrantz, Joseph DeMarco and Lisa Schoenfeld are consistently recognized by professional associations and their peers as leaders at the forefront of Matrimonial Law, including The Best Lawyers in America©, Ten Leaders of divorce law on Long Island and Super Lawyers.